
2022-08-29   来源:课堂实录




knowledge 和vocabulary在tse考试中并不是最重要的,关键是:
(1) stimulus;
例:what is the secret of happiness?
答:if you really want to know, to tell you the truth, just a bottle of
beer. …
(2) time:同样的问题,面对不一样的答题时间,答法不一样。
(3) 回答的出发点一定是题目,先从题目中找限定性的词,然后从限定词出发。

effective communication
1、language task and function. 最重要的是function
(1) 人称:you
(2) 要有step:first,second,…
(3) 结尾适当加一两句话,不要太生硬。
2、coherence and use of cohesive devices. (cohesive devices:表示连贯性的
(1) 要有controling point:
recommendation:one reason and detail information about it.
3、appropriateness of response to audience or situation.
4、linguistic accuracy:前后不要有contradiction。
更改自己话语中的错误:turn left, oh, i mean turn right

1、 opening questions(每次考试都一样,热身用,不计分):
(1)what is the id number on the cover of your test book?
(2)what is the weather like today?
(3)what’s your plan after taking the test?

2、 map(两种:map of the town & floor map):
(1)direction:在准备时,用笔在图上画出starting point and destination。
① opening:
◆ when you leave the bus station, you are on … street.
◆ repeat the question.
② follow:
◆ follow ___ street 直走
◆ go along (go up, go down)
◆ go along ___ street, you will pass ___ on your left/right.
◆ go along the street for ten minutes ( some while )
③ turn:
◆ turn left
◆ turn right
◆ turn into(another street)
◆ turn left after the bank(过了银行转弯)
◆ turn left when at the bank(在银行转弯)
④ 表示位置关系的介词
⑤ closing:
◆ surly you will find it.
◆ you won’t miss it.
⑥ 补充技巧:
◆ now i take you this place, you can ask again.(在时间所剩不多,或实在无法表
◆ after two blocks. (走过两个街区)
◆ 美语的十字路口:intersection(not crossroad)

变通:universal 的 unique的东西:architecture、service(服务行业)。
opening: ①… is among the biggest … of the country.
②i strongly recommend …
③i know you are really crazy about …
注意:① 看题注意看完,避免recommend的东西和后面重复。
② 有的题“which facility would you like to add to the town?”
可以加hospital、swimming pool,比较容易开头。
题型:① 30’’题:考quick thinking — quick response
◆ any location
◆ assigned location
◆ add one facility
◆ something
例:what would you buy for your mother?
universal的回答:to tell you the truth, i really don’t know what to buy…
oh, that’s a good question, my mother’s birthday is coming
◆ 变题:discourage
universal的回答:it’s too risky. last time i went there, i was suffered…
since time is limited, this place isn’t worth your visiting.
② 45’’题:
jimmy, do you know that we came to a wrong place? …
③ 60’’题:
no = recommend lake
i realize that we need a parking lot, but…

(3)compare:similarity & difference
例:live on campus(a) or off campus(b)?
① prefer a to b.
(advantages) (disadvantages)
② depends: (想到两方面优点,并且想到区分标准的时候——depends的就是区分标准)
③ that’s really a good question, 然后列举两方面优点. according to (sb.)
…, according to (sb.)… (想到两方面有点,但不明确区分标准的时候)

(4) 题目加一个东西,问是否赞成(类似change one location)
① blessing(i agree):有了理由之后要有details。
② curse(i disagree):
③ depends

(5) describe(样题第三题):此类题型一旦出现,必在第一部分。
① movie:
universal的东西: ◆ name:real(popular)/ invented
◆ star/director:tom hanks stars in the movie.
◆ oscar:
◆ background
◆ plot:brief story 不要超过两句话
◆ box:this movie set the record of box.
◆ feeling: remind me of …, i can’t help crying.
例:从brake dancing —> dance
同理:favorite tv program:movie guide
favorite newspaper: … movie
favorite magazine: … movie
② book:◆ name
◆ author
◆ nobel(海明威)
◆ best seller:list of new york times
③ cd/tape:◆ name
◆ singer/composure
◆ grammy
◆ bill board(排行榜):stay in bill board for several weeks.
④ piece of art:◆ name
◆ producer
◆ value
⑤ dish:salad:dressing

3、 6 pictures:(60’’准备时间——用来准备故事)
(1) story(60’’):可尝试在每一幅图边列出关键单词。
注意:◆ 讲故事用过去式。(可参考新概念英语第二册)
◆ 一旦某个关键单词不知如何表达,看下面的题,6 pictures一般出3-4题,大多相关。
① opening:◆ when:one day…
◆ where:it took place in …
it happened in …
◆ who:第一人称或第三人称,根据情况取舍(有时用第一人称较易表达)。第三人称一般
◆ what happened
② transition:逾越picture与picture之间的gap。
③ closing:如果时间不够:to cut long story short …

(2) persuade(45’’—样题6):
两个角度:① candy (attract)
② whip (threaten)

打电话时:① is that …? i need your help.
② you know, …(此处内容可照题目念)
③ i realize that …
④ however, i need a special favor because …(unique)
⑤ so, (offer 条件)
⑥ ending: i really appreciate …

① 打招呼;
② if i were you, i would …
(说价钱低不要用cheap,用doing promotion)

① can i speak to …
② this is …i’m calling and i do remember that …(此处内容参照题目)
③ however, something happened.

you are in the mud:
① i don’t mean to do something …, it’s not my fault.
② justify what you have done.

complain(45’’)—— persuade的替换题型:
例:(真题)when you wanted to move items, you asked the moving company to
do so. but one staff broke one of the items. so you call the company to
① 可采取比较的方法,充分利用45’’。
例:i have go to your restaurant several times, but this time …
② 对服务不满意可以从感谢对方开始。
例:i’m a custom of your company. thank you very much for helping me
moving the items last week. but …

(3) quick response(不是每次都有)
人称用the printer,容易有语法错误(would have done),所以用if i were the
printer, i would have …

for the shake of …:为…着想。

当一时想不起理由时,先说… for many reasons。然后for example。

(4) 类似topic(60’’)——真题时多出现在第一部分
方法:① 一一列举advantages & disadvantages;
② i prefer a to b.(说a的advantages,也就是b的disadvantages)
③ sometimes … and sometimes just the opposite.
例:(真题)旅行时,记日记和take photos, which do you prefer?

4、 topic 60’’——无准备时间
(1)something personal:
例:if you could personal improve(关键) one thing(限制1)about your
personal appearance(限制2), what would it be?
improve:something make you suffer.

改题:personal appearance to personality
universal的personality:open minded / considerating / easy going / honest /

例:what do you think is the most important discovery in the world?
in my opinion, the most important discovery of the world is my gf.
without something, you can not …

例:describe a terrible day / happy experience / dilemma

例:name something you do regularly and you dislike.

例:what will you do if you only have twenty-four hours to live?
i will pass the day as usual. in the morning, i will …

小结:① 此类题似乎是personal的,但回答时则从什么比较容易go to detail考虑。
② 即使较易表达的题目,尽量使用example代替陈述——tse要求有效性。

(2) comments:
① saying:一种teaching or warning。
例:what do you think about an old saying ‘a friend in need is a friend
方法:对于saying,最容易的方法是i agree/support + 例子。
to tell you the truth, it’s my first time to come across the saying.
anyway, i would have a try.
② statement:
例:(真题)vegetarian diets lead to happier and longer life.
agree的方式:◆ 解释:vegetarian diets can +(knowledge)
◆ example:my grandmother celebrate her 100 year birthday because…
◆ statistics + source:as far as i know…
◆ 同saying的处理方法
◆ 在已有观点的基础上建立一个新的观点:
there is no relationship between … and … in my point of view…
注意:内容由角度(expert / by stander / involved)决定。
(3) solution:
例:is solar energy a feasible solution to energy crisis?

5、 definition(60’’)
关键:用最快的速度,最简洁的语言先下定义。(how to do it efficiently)
例:chalk:① a kind(set)of …(classification)
② something you can write with(更有效)
例:big:a kind of comparison

go to detail的方式:① describe:需要unique的东西,有时不易(如apple)。
② association:比较特殊的联系, apple is a brand of computer…
③ compare

例:(真题)choose a term of debate / lead to innovation / pioneering


方法:① 选abbreviation / compound:
例:wto, w refers to … t stand for …
② structure
③ background information
④ example(compare)

例:(真题)instrument:可以是device / means

① 范围不要太大,这样可延长时间:biochemistry is a field of chemistry.
② 把给major下定义改为介绍major的course。
③ lead to what kind of job.
(4) accomplishment / achievement:

6、 charts:无准备时间——可预先准备
(1)curve:可提前准备(三种情况——growth 、zero/ no growth、decline /
negative growth)
growth/increase/rise/jump no growth drop/decline/fall/decrease
rapid/sharp/quick growth steady/moderate/slight/slow growth


① opening:
◆ repeat/change:利用introductory sentence/title做general presentation
例:the graph shows the growth of the world population. and the growth take
place in cities in 1950~2010.
注意:如有“单位”,在第一句中交待,后面不再说单位。in the unit of (tons)
2010年:two thousand ten / twenty ten
◆ the vertical line indicates the … in the unit of …, the horizontal
line indicates … in the unit of …

② in detail:describe curve 采用分解法,分解growth/no growth/negative
◆ there be:不用说主语
◆ the percentage of population living in cities …:有主语,注意时态,第一句
from (year) to (year), the growth of … can be observed from the curve…
from(year)to(year), there was a growth in the percentage of population
living in cities from … to …


③ closing:
◆ just what i say about the chart
◆ hope i can give you a clear presentation, thank you.
◆ that’s my description, thank you.

④ projected line:
◆ in addition(by the way),the rising tendency will continue …
◆ … is projected to be …

⑤ 有很多曲折的curve:
例:the changes of dow jones industry …(教材p9-f)
因为curve就是up & down,所以:you know there’s many many up and downs, the
bottom(peak)arrived at…(year) with …(number)/reach …(number)in …
⑥ 两条线:
◆ 如果两条线之间没有关系:可只说一条线,不谈另一条线。
◆ 如果两条线之间有关系:重点放在相关点上。… while …/ in one hand, in the
other hand。

① opening:
◆ many factors contribute to the chart …
◆ the information of the chart would tend to suggest that …
② detail:需要加一定的knowledge。
◆ target:how to realize/avoid it.
◆ benefits:实现target之后的好处。

例:by the year 2050, the world oil supply will dry up.
◆ 70%(probably):i won’t be surprised if … so something must be done
to prevent this. we have to look for new sources of energy.
i expect that …
◆ 50%:i hope that …
◆ 30%:i suspect that…
i doubt that …
it’s probably not that …
there’s a chance that …
◆ 0%:i’m afraid that there’s no chance that …

(2)pie:核心是share distribution。
① opening:the pie/chart shows the distribution of …(题目)
② in detail:
◆ 逐步省略,第一句最全:a takes 20% of the total …, b takes 30%, c50%.
◆ 20% of the total … goes to a,30% to b,50% to c.

范围:a and b take 10% each(individually/respectively)
可以同时交待大小和数值:asian population takes the largest share with 5%。

③ 无数字的pie:关键是share的大小
c takes the largest(dominant/leading)share.
a takes the least share.

④ 两个pie(真题)

增加一个share:in addition, …, a new component will start to take a share
with …
减少一个share:by the way, the … will no longer take shares in …

解释bar时,最好用the first bar on the left …

① 按curve做,说一个,另一个just the opposite
② comparison:… always take the leading position, the only exception was
in …


例:the component of a family:

① a can be divided into b&e.(用情态动词避免单复数问题)
② a can be divided into two categories, mainly b&e. (稍复杂)
③ then b can be divided further into …
④ then b can be subdivided into …
⑤ 再细分时:h&i are example for c
⑥ c&d are contributing to b.
⑦ c&d are components to b.

例:(真题)比较british english和american english的区别:

british english american english
vocabulary flat apartment
spelling colour color
pronunciation can’t /a/ can’t / /

opening:british english and american english are different in three

city weather temperature
atlanta clear 76/47
boston rain 49/33
buffalo rain 51/41
chicago cloudy 65/41
detroit cloudy 53/44
new york rain 50/42


7、 presentation:准备60’’,说90’’

① attention please
② greeting:hello everyone, …
③ address audience(unique):dear …,as being + 自己职务 + 题目(i’d like
to talk
例:8:30:eight thirty

“*”号注释内容的处理:可以在文中,也可在最后,用“do not forget”

① thank you for your attention/support …
② if you have any question, please feel free to contact me. (如有电话,号码
③ have a good time. (祝愿性的话)

① date:april 5 — april 12
◆ the date of trip would be changed from … to …
◆ the trip would be arranged on … instead of …
◆ april 12, not the date printed as previous informed(尽量不要提及被修改的
◆ april 12, remember april 12 …

② venue(集合地点):we move to …

③ cost:… charges more/less … the total amount is …

① 先不单独提醒被修改的内容,再最后i hope you notice that there’s four
changes including …再蜻蜓点水(例:p59)
② 先说changes,再介绍整个日程安排。(例:p57)
如果时间不够:if you have any doubts, please referred to the schedule i sent
you last time.

例:topic:it’s foolish to give money to beggars.
(1)开门见山:i can not agree you more. you know(+细分观点). it’s
foolish to give money to beggars, especially teenagers…
(2)设问:have you ever give money to beggars. if ‘yes’, in what
situation, if ‘no’, in what situation?
(3)假设:that’s imagine, if everybody give money to the beggar, what
will happen?
(4)下定义:well,let’s first make a definition, what does beggar mean?
beggar is someone who need help.
(5)开头引用数据:well, according to a recent poll by …
(6)引用:according to a sociologist, …
(7)对比:just a few years ago, beggars are sure to be seen in the street.
suddenly, beggars become more …
(8)举例:the topic makes/reminds me an incidence …
(9)重复问题,层层递进:the topic leads to serious debates among people.
(10)罗列:as a matter of fact there are various beggars, such as
disables, street artists … it would be difficult to decide which people …
(11)i saw people sometime give money to beggars. they seem to care
people, however, that’s not true.

2、hesitating device:
① repeat题目:先说it’s really interesting(empty comments),利用时间想
depends和可利用的information。实在没有答案,可以avoid answering the question.
you know, in my country, i have no possibility to become the president. so
i have no idea about it, because it’s not my business.
① well / actually
② in fact / you know / you see / i mean
③ you know that / the thing is
④ how shall i put it / as a matter of fact
⑤ as far as i know / as far as i concern

例:well, i have been asked to talk about
① maturity
② vagetrianism
③ adoption
(3)development skills

(4)cohesive devices
① reasons can be various / for example
② also / in addition / furthermore
③ similarly / in the same way
④ in contrast / in the other hand / instead
⑤ therefore / accordingly / consequently / in summary
⑥ the most important / surely / in deed / above all
⑦ yet(美语表转折)/ after all

(5)check understanding
① are you with me so far?
② do you catch my meaning?
③ closing:
◆ 设问:so, do you think it is(foolish)?
◆ you know, a lot of people share my opinion
◆ …(detail), so far, i give you(3)reasons
只有在出现mislead的时候才进行修改:i mean …



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